I offer a 30-day refund and return policy. If 30 days have passed since your purchase or if your item is not in its original condition, damaged, or missing parts for reasons outside of my control then I cannot offer you a full refund.
If damage occurred due to poor craftsmanship, then I can either issue you a full refund once I receive the item (you are responsible for the cost of return shipping), or repair the item for free and send it back to you (in which case the shipping in one direction will be paid by me, and the other direction by you).
Custom orders, gift cards, and downloadable digital content are non-returnable and non-refundable.
A receipt or proof of purchase will be required for all returns.
If I approve you for a refund, your original method of payment will be automatically credited within a few business days.
If your refund seems to be late, contact your bank to check their processing times, as it can differ depending on your institution. If the refund still has not gone through, then contact me at dismesmenagerie@gmail.com.
I do not offer exchanges.However, if both:
A: The item(s) in your order are not one-of-a-kind and
B: It has been over 2 weeks and your order seems to have been lost by USPS,
then I will send you a replacement for free.
Shipping returns
Once your request for a refund has been accepted, a mailing address for the return will be emailed to you.
You are responsible for paying the return shipping costs regardless of the return circumstances.
If you are returning more expensive items, it would be a good idea to use a tracked shipping or purchasing shipping insurance – if I don’t receive the returned item, I can’t offer you a refund.
Need help?
Contact me if you have any questions!